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 8 Ways to Start Enjoying Your Job

…are you beginning to realize that

life isn’t much fun if you’re not enjoying what you’re

doing 40 to 50 hours a week? If so, you might have also

heard that the heart attack rate is 30% higher on Monday

mornings and that working for someone you don’t like can

increase your risk of obesity by nearly 50%.


Considering this, how important would it be for you to

start learning to enjoy your job more? Pretty important I

assume….so here are 8 things you can start doing today

that will help.


1) Stay on the Market


Keep your resume updated, and always be on the market

for a better opportunity. You might be wondering why we

are offering this as advice to help you enjoy your job

better. There are two things which this will do for you:

first, it will keep you from feeling trapped in your

current job because you’ll know that you always have

options available elsewhere.


Second, the act of searching for work often helps you

to appreciate the work that you already have more than if

you weren’t looking.


2) Own Your Mornings


Your day is likely to get a lot better if you spend 10

to 15 minutes in the morning doing something that is

important to you. For example, if you have plans to get

in better shape and you take care of it first thing in

the morning, you’ll have confidence that you’ve already

“paid yourself” that day and you’ll feel less like your

life is on hold for the sake of your job.


For best results, commit to this to 15 minutes every

single morning and don’t falter. In fact, you might even

want to use this 10 to 15 minutes in the morning to put

together your resume.


3) Enroll in 4 tires University


The material which you listen to in the car on the way

to work and on the way home has a profound influence on

your attitude both at work and at home. You’ll also be a

lot more confident about yourself if her using the time

in your car to educate yourself about something that is

important to you.


Get some motivational or inspirational CDs which you

can listen to (or perhaps even some recordings of your

favorite comedians) and start committing your commute to

work time to your own personal growth.


4) Stay out of Negative Conversations


This will probably make the biggest difference in

whether or not you enjoy or hate your job: stop engaging

yourself in conversations with people who do nothing but

complain about what’s going on at work. People who

complain are all over the place and you’re going to run

into them at any job…no matter how great the job for

the company is.


These people will poison you with all kinds of

negativity and cause you to see only the bad side of your

job. As a general rule of thumb, make it a habit to walk

away from any conversation which is not productive and



5) Get an Emergency Fund


Start putting away money into your savings account or

a money market fund, and keep doing this until you have

anywhere from 3 to 6 months of expenses put away. Stress

at work is inevitable, but it’s a lot less threatening

when you know that you could walk away from your job and

still have 3 to 6 months to find a better one.


6) Start Looking for More Ops to Prove Yourself


Start looking for more opportunities and work to

improve your worth with both your coworkers and your

superiors. Sometimes all you have to do is ask, and you

might be surprised at what kinds of opportunities arise

from it. This will also help your employer to see you as

a more viable asset to the company.


7) Build Positive Relationships


In addition to avoiding the negative people at your

workplace, find a few people who are doing something with

their life and actually care about doing a great job.

Take these people out to lunch and associate yourself

with them, and eventually their positive attitude will

rub off on you.


8) Give Your Best and Start Now


Even if you don’t like your job and plan on doing

something different in the future, start giving you best

to it right now. No matter how much you dislike your job,

you have to remember that the habits you’re building are

the same habits you’ll take into your next job. So give

yourself the best opportunity to be successful in

everything that you do by giving your best, starting

right now.


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