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✨ Everyone you meet in life has a purpose, whether you realize it or not. Some people test you, pushing you to your limit and challenging your beliefs. These tests can be difficult, but ultimately help you to become a stronger and better version of yourself. Other people come into your life to teach you a valuable lesson.

✨ They may teach you the power of kindness, or the importance of perseverance. These lessons can open your eyes to new possibilities and can help you make more informed decisions. Finally, some people come into your life to bring out the very best in you. They can encourage you to take risks, remind you of your worth, and give you the confidence to pursue your dreams.

✨ In life, many people come and go but it is up to you to decide who to allow in and who to stay away from. Everyone you meet has a unique purpose, and it is up to you to embrace the lessons they bring.

Lars Andersson