Monthly Archives: July 2015

Our Planet

We live on a small planet orbiting a rather small yellow star .  In our galaxy The Milky Way there are billions of stars and our galaxy is one of many billions of galaxies in the Universe. Right now, researchers around the world are looking for other planets, where there might be life. They want […]

By |July 28th, 2015|Article, Blog, Dreams, The Force Of The Universe|70 Comments

Do you have to be smart to be successful?

Do you have to be smart to be successful?

In my opinion, it takes more that one is stubborn and never give up. You have to learn and understand how to think and learn to think right. My book “The Force Of The Universe” explain how you can avail yourself of the techniques described in the […]

Lars´s Store

It all started many years ago when I began to study the technology behind the law of attraction and how to use the secret behind The Secret using Personal Development to achieve what you want and dream about just as they have done with the largest income and the success in the world. After studying […]

The LIVE Success Event of The Year!


This is a very good event. I recommend to listen to this.



By |July 10th, 2015|Blog, Education, Events, Life in abundance|100 Comments