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Brilliant Yoga weight loss system 


Can you think yourself thin?

 …Can You Really Think Yourself Thin?

 You probably already know all the buzz these

days about the power of your thoughts and how you can

actually attract the body that you really want by

“thinking yourself thin.” But is this accurate and

verifiable or just a bunch of new age banter?

And if it is true… what role does proper nutrition

and consistent balanced exercise play in your efforts

to become thin? If you’re itching to know this and ready

to have the body that you really want, these principles

ought to shed some light on the subject…


First, the Answer:


The undeniable answer to whether or not you can think

yourself thin is no, you can’t…not by thinking alone.

Thinking won’t do for you what proper exercise will do

and it certainly can’t make up for bad eating habits.




You CAN harness the power of your thoughts and change

the beliefs which have caused you to become overweight.

You can replace these beliefs with ones which will empower

you to take actions and to live a lifestyle which will

naturally lead to a thinner body. When someone mentions

that they “thought themselves thin,” it’s this process

that they’re talking about.


So, if it’s really that easy to form beliefs which will

influence actions that will make you thinner, why isn’t

everyone having success in doing so?


How the Process of “Thin Thinking” Works


It’s not enough to simply think “I want to be thin.”

Just think about how many people are doing that right now

and who aren’t getting anywhere. Modern weight loss

statistics tell us that the average woman has tried at

least 10 times to lose weight. Most likely, every one of

those times they were thinking: “I want to be thin.”


SO why didn’t it work? Because thin thinking must be

designed to build rock solid belief that you not only WANT

to be thin, but that you WILL be thin – that you’re well on

your way to becoming thin and that it’s simply a matter of

time before you get there.


This means that instead of saying: “I want to be thin,”

you think: “I’m going to be thin, here’s how I’m going to

do it…” Then you would affirm a list of definite actions

which you WERE going to take in order to become thin. Now,

of course, you do have to take action…you can’t just keep

affirming that you’re going to be thin and how you’re going

to do it and expect someone to grab your strings like a

puppet and do it for you.


But again…


…consistent affirmative thinking will empower you to

build the conviction that will inspire you to start moving

in the right direction. In the same way, consistent

negative thoughts like “I hate dieting” or “I wish I was

thinner” or “I should be…dieting, exercising…blah, blah,

blah…” will only destroy your self-esteem and initiative,

and cause you to feel horrible about yourself. As you might

expect, this will not empower you to get motivated and start

getting excited about your new plans for getting in shape.


Thin thinking also requires you to avoid punitive

thinking like: “I was bad because I…” or “I’m so fat, I

just hate the way I look…” or the worst “I can’t wait till

I get off this diet…”


A Plan of Action


Okay, so what can you do to start turning your life

around using thin thinking? Here are three things to do:


1) Decide what Your Ideal Weight is


Setting your ideal weight as a goal is far more

productive than telling yourself how much you want to

lose. The idea of loss is negative to the subconscious

mind and it will always avoid doing things that cause you

to “lose.” Focus on what you want (ideal weight), rather

than what you don’t want (the extra weight).


2) Decide What You’re Going to do to Get There


Again, thoughts alone won’t do it. You need a specific

plan for balanced and healthy eating habits and consistent

exercise in order to get solid results. Just make sure that

what you decide to do is viewed as empowering instead of

something you “have to do.” The mind and body respond

better to “I get to” or “I’m going to” or “I want to” than

it does to “I have to.”


3) Create Affirmative “Thoughts” for Each


Now that you have the above two things figured out,

write out an affirmative statement based around what you

want and in an empowering “I will do ___ to have ____.”

Speak these everyday and focus on being more consistent

and persistent than your current thoughts (those which

have made you overweight). In time, your thin thinking

will become thin living.


Yoga is also a great way to lose weight and has MANY

other benefits including reducing stress and your sense

of health and well being. Check out “Brilliant Yoga”:
